Netflix has released the trailer for‘ Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight’, the forthcoming animated series with Jack Black returning as Dragon Warrior Po. Its...
Netflix has acquired the rights to the film adaptation of Simon Stålenhag’s graphic novel titled The Electric State, which will be directed by Anthony and Joe Russo of ‘Avengers:...
Netflix released the trailer for the upcoming film Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between, the highly-anticipated adaptation of Jennifer E. Smith’s novel of the same...
Netflix has unveiled it’s first teaser for their upcoming series based on Wednesday Addams, starring Jenna Ortega in the lead role. “The series will...
Netflix has given audiences the first look for its coming-of-age fantasy film, ‘The School for Good & Evil’, based on Soman Chainani’s novel of the same name. It...
Netflix has released the trailer for its newest action-comedy ‘The Man From Toronto’, starring Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson. It will make it’s debut...
Directors | Anthony Russo, Joe RussoWriters | Joe Russo, Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeelyProducers | Joe Roth, Jeffrey Kirschenbaum, Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Mike Larocca, Chris CastaldiExecutive Producers...
Created by Ted Humphrey and David E. Kelley Starring: Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, Neve Campbell, Christopher Gorham, Becki Newton, Jazz Raycole and Angus Sampson Based on...
“In a state-of-the-art penitentiary run by brilliant visionary Steve Abnesti (Chris Hemsworth), inmates wear a surgically attached device that administers dosages of mind-altering drugs...
Netflix has released the trailer for it’s upcoming teen romance drama ‘First Kill’. The supernatural series centers around a forbidden love story between a...