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Exclusive Interview with Award-winning Writer-Director Daniel Roemer On His New Sci-Fi Series ‘Chaser’
Socials: @neillfrazer

Hi Daniel, welcome to OLC! So tell us what inspired you to create ‘Chaser,’ and how did the concept of editing one’s own life come to you?

The concept came from my fascination with the “what if” idea of being able to edit one’s own life and memories. Especially if those memories were bad. I’ve always been intrigued by the malleability of reality and how our perceptions shape our experiences. I wanted to explore what would happen if we had the power to change our past and rewrite destiny. That core idea is what inspired me to create ‘Chaser,’ and I wanted to explore if, in fact, having a “re-do” was good. Or would the ripple effect cause more and darker problems. In addition to these philosophical and emotional implications, I wanted to create a story that descended into a meta kind-of magical dreamscape, layering suspense and comedy.

How did your collaboration with Russ Russo on ‘Chaser’ come about, and what was it like working with him as both an actor and a producer?

We found Russ after almost a year of casting. I had almost given up finding the right person for the role. But the moment I saw him I knew he got who Eddi was. Even his choices in his physical appearance. As we started developing the project further, it became clear that his insights and creative input would be invaluable, so I asked him to come on board as an executive producer in post-production. Working with Russ was a fantastic experience – his dedication, talent, years of wisdom, technical knowledge and collaborative spirit helped elevate the film to another level. He was our quarterback.

Can you tell us more about the casting process for ‘Chaser’? How did you choose Gia Bay and Daniel de Weldon for their roles?

Casting the right actors for Chaser was a rigorous process that involved an extensive search across many platforms and locations. We cast a wide net, posting on numerous websites and holding auditions both locally in Ohio and in Los Angeles to ensure we found the perfect fit. When it came to casting the lead roles of Anabel and Gar, we saw numerous actresses for Anabel before Gia Bay walked into the room. But the moment she arrived, it was like a movie star had graced us with her presence. Within seconds, I knew she was the perfect choice for Anabel. From there, we conducted chemistry tests with other actors and held a few callback reads to solidify our decision. For the role of Gar, I had previously worked with Daniel de Weldon on several projects, including my short, The Select Fit, which loosely inspired Chaser. In fact, I had written the character of Gar with Daniel in mind. However, as a rule, I still wanted to read him for the part to ensure he still resonated with the character. When he auditioned, he absolutely blew us away, leaving no doubt that he was the ideal choice for the role. Both Gia and Daniel had an instant, undeniable connection to their characters during their auditions. Gia brought a beautiful, layered, and darkly comedic vibe to her portrayal of Anabel, and Daniel displayed a frightening magnetic intensity that captured the inner turmoil and power of his character. Moreover, their on-screen chemistry was perfect, which was crucial for depicting the complex relationship between their characters.

‘Chaser’ delves into the sci-fi genre with a unique narrative. What challenges did you face in bringing this story to life, especially with its complex themes of reality and self-editing?

One of the biggest challenges in making ‘Chaser’ was striking the right balance between the sci-fi elements and the intimate character-driven drama at the heart of the story. We didn’t want the technology and high-concept ideas to overshadow the human emotions and relationships. It was a delicate balancing act to weave those complex themes into the narrative in an organic way, while still creating a compelling and thought-provoking viewing experience. Also, keeping the plot clear and concise while not spoon-feeding was a challenge. Suzanna Hammond gets credit for protecting the story and making it a great watch in that regard. But I think that challenge is what makes the film so unique and resonant.

With over two decades in the industry, how has your approach to storytelling and directing evolved over the years?

When I was first starting out as a filmmaker, I was terrified of dealing with actors. I had no idea how to communicate what I wanted from a performance, and the casting process felt like a total mystery. But with each project, I forced myself to confront my weaknesses head-on. Once I started taking acting classes at USC, everything changed. I fell in love with actors and the craft of acting. I immersed myself in classes and books about directing actors, and it opened up a whole new world of understanding and appreciation. I breathed acting. I learned that great performances are built on creating a safe, supportive environment where actors can take risks. I learned to listen and to give actors space to find their truth. And I learned that each actor has their own way, which isn’t a formula. You have to pay attention to what language your actor speaks. Now, working with actors and casting are among my greatest strengths. Looking back, I barely recognize the uncertain filmmaker I once was. 

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‘Chaser’ is available on Prime Video and distributed by Buffalo 8. How important is the role of streaming platforms and digital distribution in reaching today’s audience?

Streaming platforms like Prime Video and companies like Buffalo 8 are absolutely essential in today’s media landscape. They provide a way for shows like ‘Chaser’ to reach a wide global audience that might not have been possible a decade ago. The rise of digital distribution has really democratized the industry in a lot of ways, allowing smaller, more daring projects to find an audience without the limitations of traditional theatrical releases. For a thought-provoking sci-fi film like ‘Chaser,’ being able to connect instantly with viewers who are hungry for original, challenging content is invaluable.

How does ‘Chaser’ stand out among your other works?

I think what sets ‘Chaser’ apart is the way it fuses the sci-fi genre with several other layers, including dark humor, thriller, and an auteur voice, to tell a very human, emotional story. This work over all my others explores characters. A lot of my previous work has been more filmically driven, like visual, auditory, and backwards structure. Chaser explores relationships and personal struggles between characters in a very raw, naturalistic way. With ‘Chaser,’ I wanted to take those same themes and ideas I’ve always been drawn to, but explore them through character experiencing a heightened, mind-bending world.

What message or takeaway do you hope viewers will get from watching ‘Chaser’?

At its heart, ‘Chaser’ is a story about the choices we make and the ripple effects they have on our lives and the lives of those around us. It’s about the power and peril of being able to shape our reality, and the question of whether we can ever truly escape our past. I hope that viewers gain a new perspective on their own lives and the way they construct their identities. I hope it sparks conversation and introspection about the nature of memory, regret, time, and the search for meaning. Mostly, I hope it lingers in people’s minds as a refreshing style, inspiring them to create.

Find Daniel Roemer on Instagram and IMDb. More details about ‘Chaser’ are here.

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