Back in the mid-’90s, a trio of anthropomorphic cybernetic pizza-delivering felines introduced Western audiences to the sillier side of Japanese anime. Samurai Pizza Cats is...
Supergirl will be taking her last flight. The CW and producers Warner Bros TV and Berlanti Productions just announced that the drama series starring Melissa Benoist will conclude with...
Directed By: Ben Wheatley Screenplay By: Jane Goldman and Joe Shrapnel & Anna Waterhouse Based on the Novel By: Daphne du Maurier Produced By: Eric Fellner, Tim Bevan,...
Starring Kristen Stewart Mackenzie Davis Alison Brie Aubrey Plaza Daniel Levy with Victor Garber and Mary Steenburgen Directed by Clea DuVall Written by Clea DuVall & Mary Holland...
Miley Cyrus has released “Midnight Sky,” her first song of 2020. Cyrus self-directed her brazen new music video, which dropped alongside the track. The...
At just 23 years old Phillip Johnson-Richardson, aka Phil., has already established himself as a promising singer, rapper, and actor. Currently playing the role of...
The upcoming Mortal Kombat reboot, produced by James Wan (Saw, Insidious, Furious 7, Aquaman) – which will be R-rated and feature gory fatalities – has been brutally...
Sony’s TriStar Pictures acquired the rights to Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody biopic and already announced a temporary release date. The studio is looking...
Eagle-Eye Lanoo Cherry was born 7th May 1968, in Stockholm, Sweden, the son of American jazz artist Don Cherry and Swedish painter/textile artist Monika Cherry (née Karlsson). Of Choctaw descent through his paternal grandmother and...
Rising star Camryn Quinlan’s talent shines through in everything she does whether it’s creating her own original music or performing as a member of Acapop! KIDS. The...