‘Anatomy of a Scandal’ is a suspenseful series about privilege and sexual consent, coming to the Netflix streaming service April 15th. The limited series...
After accidentally crash-landing in 2022, time-traveling fighter pilot Adam Reed teams up with his 12-year-old self on a mission to save the future. An...
Entrepreneurs, influencers, musicians, designers and artists flock to the Australian beach town of Byron Bay. It’s a creative hot spot, full of promise — and...
Netflix has released the teaser trailer for the forthcoming sports comedy-drama titled Hustle, starring Adam Sandler, Oscar nominee Queen Latifah, and NBA star Juancho...
Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston are currently in Hawaii filming the sequel to Murder Mystery, their hit 2019 Netflix film. The actors shared a behind-the-scenes...
Created by Hugh Davidson, Larry Dorf, Rachel Ramras Starring Kristen Bell, Tom Riley, Michael Eely, Mary Holland, Shelley Henning and Cameron Britton Kristen bell...
Netflix has released the ‘Murderville’ trailer for the upcoming comedy series, featuring Emmy nominee Will Arnett as Detective Terry Seattle. The series will debut...
Netflix has released the official trailer for ‘Tall Girl 2’, the sequel to 2019’s teen romantic comedy film starring Ava Michelle and Sabrina Carpenter....
The Beverly Hills Cop trilogy is getting a long-awaited sequel in Beverly Hills Cop 4. Ever since the third movie was released, this sequel has been...
Directed by: Lee JQ, Kim Nam-su Written by: Chun Sung-il Based on: Naver webtoon All Of Us Are Dead by Joo Dong-geun Starring: Park Ji-hu, Yoon Chan-young, Cho...