Netflix documentary series The Raincoat Killer: Chasing a Predator in Korea traces the steps of Yoo Young-chul, a notorious serial killer who came to light as...
Director: Stuart McDonald (Summer Heights High, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) Writers: Elizabeth Hackett and Hilary Galanoy (Love, Guaranteed, Falling Inn Love) Cast: Victoria Justice (Afterlife of the...
Prey Starring: David Kross, Hanno Koffler, Maria Ehrich, Robert Finster, Yung Ngo, Klaus Steinbacher, Livia Matthes, Nellie Thalbach Written and Directed by: Thomas Sieben...
Nick Brewer (Adrian Grenier) is a loving father, husband, and brother, who one day suddenly and mysteriously disappears. A video appears on the internet...
Loosely adapted from Katie Cappiello’s work Slut: The Play, this teen drama circled around five students at the largest public high school in Brooklyn: Odessa...
In Season 2 of the coming-of-age comedy Never Have I Ever, Indian American teenager Devi (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) continues to deal with the everyday pressures...
Lin-Manuel Miranda was interviewed on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” where he addressed the recent “In The Heights” casting and representation...
Director: Vince Marcello Writer: Jay S Arnold Stars: Joey King, Joel Courtney, Jacob Elordi At the end of the second movie, Elle decides to lie to Noah and Lee...
Celebrating one of the most iconic bands of all time, A&E announces the new definitive documentary film telling the stories behind the phenomenon of KISS....