Canadian singer/songwriter sensation Olivia Lunny has released her confident new single, “VIBE CHECK,” in collaboration with internationally-renowned Bhad Bhabie, available to stream globally today via Infinity & Recordings (Universal...
Universal Pictures has released the first look teaser trailer for ‘Oppenheimer‘ by director Christopher Nolan. The movie features Cillian Murphy as the man who...
Described as a fictional take on the life story of Marilyn Monroe, Blonde is written and directed by Andrew Dominik, based on Joyce Carol Oates’ 2000 novel of...
“In the film, thirteen-year-old Sam Cleary suspects that his mysterious and reclusive neighbor Mr. Smith is actually a legend hiding in plain sight,” reads...
Netflix has released the first trailer for Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Pinocchio‘, the forthcoming animated fantasy featuring the voices of Ewan McGregor and more. “Set during...
Netflix has released the trailer for it’s upcoming psychological thriller from “13 Reasons Why” creator Brian Yorkey, called ‘Echoes’. The limited series will be...
Ne-Yo, the three-time GRAMMY® Award-winning R&B hitmaker, iconic songwriter, actor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, has sold a cumulative 20+ million adjusted albums worldwide. His debut single, 2005’s...