Netflix has released the trailer for‘ Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight’, the forthcoming animated series with Jack Black returning as Dragon Warrior Po. Its...
Netflix has acquired the rights to the film adaptation of Simon Stålenhag’s graphic novel titled The Electric State, which will be directed by Anthony and Joe Russo of ‘Avengers:...
Cast: George Clooney, Julia Roberts Directed by: Ol Parker Screenplay by: Ol Parker, Daniel Pipski Produced by: Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Sarah Harvey, Deborah Balderstone, George Clooney, Grant...
‘Hocus Pocus 2‘ is the sequel to Disney’s 1993 cult classic, which will be bringing back everyone’s favorite witch sisters, multi-award-winning actress Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker...
Amazon Prime Video has revealed released the trailer for ‘Thirteen Lives’, from director Ron Howard comes a biographical drama film highlighting the compelling and...
Salt Lake City-based musician and TikTok star, Addison Grace, finally releases his highly anticipated debut EP, Immaturing, today along with its fourth single, “I Don’t Wanna...
She’s back! GRAMMY® Award-winning, global superstar Meghan Trainor has announced her anxiously awaited fourth full-length album, Takin’ It Back, arriving October 21st, 2022 via Epic Records. Pre-order/pre-save HERE. This time around,...
Taylor Swift – “Carolina”: Pop artist Taylor Swift has released a brand new single entitled ‘Carolina’, which features on the soundtrack to the upcoming...
Paramount+ has dropped the trailer for ‘Honor Society’ its forthcoming coming-of-age comedy about a high school senior’s quest in securing her spot at one of the best...
20th Century Studios has unveiled an official trailer for Barbarian, its brand new thriller coming to cinemas August 31. In the trailer we see a rental nightmare between...