Netflix has released the trailer for it’s upcoming teen romance drama ‘First Kill’. The supernatural series centers around a forbidden love story between a...
Netflix has released the trailer for its newest comedy series called ‘God’s Favorite Idiot’, starring Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone. It will make its...
Award-winning dramatic series HIDDEN CANYONS is set to release their season 2 finale today, April 29th at 8PM EST/5PM PST. The provocative and thought-provoking second season’s...
Starring: Mike Myers, Lydia West, Richard McCabe Creators: Mike Myers Comedian Mike Myers turns his focus on farcical secret society “the Pentaverate’ in a new Netflix series...
The Gray Man is CIA operative Court Gentry (Ryan Gosling), aka, Sierra Six. Plucked from a federal penitentiary and recruited by his handler, Donald...
Last night, Grammy-nominated musician, actor and author, Janelle Monae, was interviewed on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. Janelle spoke to Trevor about healing during...
Netflix has announced the release date for its upcoming reimagining of Jane Austen’s classic novel ‘Persuasion’. The film stars Dakota Johnson, and will debut...