Apple TV+ has dropped the trailer for their upcoming thriller drama ‘Shining Girls’, which stars Elisabeth Moss and Jamie Bell. The series will make...
Singer and actress Selena Gomez is currently in the process of developing a Latina-led comedy series titled ’15 Candles’ for streaming service Peacock, described...
By Dani Diarbakerly Bio: Dani Diarbakerly a self-taught screenprinter and graphic designer, and she founded KingPro Custom Merchandise in 2020. In 2018, Dani was...
Floating to the forefront of pop culture on their own terms, buzzing alternative pop duo BETWEEN FRIENDS—Brandon and Savannah Hudson—reveal a new single and music video “more” today. It...
Rapper, Songwriter, Producer and staple in Oakland rap culture, Bobby Brackins, returns with release of his latest single “Pistol Piston” – an up-tempo cut with nods to his...
Reports have emerged that ‘Red Notice’ director Rawson Marshall Thurber is developing a live-action film adaptation of the popular 80’s sci-fi animated series ‘Voltron’....