Described as a fictional take on the life story of Marilyn Monroe, Blonde is written and directed by Andrew Dominik, based on Joyce Carol Oates’ 2000 novel of...
“In the film, thirteen-year-old Sam Cleary suspects that his mysterious and reclusive neighbor Mr. Smith is actually a legend hiding in plain sight,” reads...
Netflix has released the first trailer for Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Pinocchio‘, the forthcoming animated fantasy featuring the voices of Ewan McGregor and more. “Set during...
Netflix has released the trailer for it’s upcoming psychological thriller from “13 Reasons Why” creator Brian Yorkey, called ‘Echoes’. The limited series will be...
Ne-Yo, the three-time GRAMMY® Award-winning R&B hitmaker, iconic songwriter, actor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, has sold a cumulative 20+ million adjusted albums worldwide. His debut single, 2005’s...
Los Angeles-based singer, songwriter, and producer Leah Haywood has been releasing new music under artist name Haywood over the last few months via Palm Tree/Sony Records....
Born and raised in Florida, Gabby is of Jamaican and Trinidadian descent and is a trained dancer, actress and TikTok creator with over 3.5 million followers. Formerly...
Tessa Kaye is a Philadelphia born, Los Angeles based pop artist. Armed with vibrant individuality and a fresh approach, the effervescent artist delivers infectious...
Just in time for Pride Month, Kailaya speaks on embracing her own sexuality with her new single, “Outrageous.” Blending elements of pop and hip-hop for her...
Ellie Goulding recently dropped her latest single called ‘Easy Lover’, the first release since Ellie’s 2020 studio album Brightest Blue. The track, written and produced...