We introduce you to the extraordinary young starlet, Antonella Rose, who is already making waves in the entertainment industry at just ten years old, showcasing...
Cami Petyn returns with her latest single, “Tired”, a haunting and earnest pop gem. Known for her enthusiastic followers and unique songwriting, Cami Petyn...
Photo Credit: Kiran Gidda Ronnie Watts describes her beautiful bedroom pop sound as “heartbreak, but make it pop music”. This is captured perfectly on...
Singer-Songwriter Mia Schuster Explores The Journey of Joy on New Album, Happy (Again), out now. The North Dakota-native has been writing and performing since childhood, eventually leaving her...
(Photo Credit: Will Townsend) Singer, Songwriter, Producers, KTJ & CARLY, return with another darkly introspective single on “Almost True.” Named Artists to Watch in 2020, the sisters achieved...
At the age of 11, Brian was cast alongside Jack Black in the Paramount Pictures film “School of Rock” as Billy, a.k.a. “Fancy Pants.” As years passed, Brian...