Successful animation ‘Captain Planet and the Planeteers’ ran for six seasons from September 1990 to February 1996. Celebrities such as Whoopi Goldberg (voiced Gaia),Tim...
A prequel to the all time classic musical ‘Grease’ is in development, according to the Hollywood Reporter. John August, who wrote the film ‘Big Fish’ and worked...
Los Angeles artist Elohim has released a brand new single entitled“TV”. The new track comes alongside Elohim’s partnership with GoDaddy for their ‘Make The World You Want’ brand launch which...
Popular singer/songwriter and global pop icon Jesse McCartney has been having quite a career surge with his last single “Better With You”. Now he returns with...
Espolòn Tequila kicked off the Day of the Dead celebrations with a special event at Academy in Hollywood. In the spirit of remembering those we have lost, Empire’s...
Spoilers Follow Three armies march to oppose Aku (Greg Baldwin). Aku proceeds to wipe out the opposing forces with little effort, thinking, “perhaps annihilating...